
1848, Hydesville – a small hamlet in Wayne County, New York State. Two extraordinary sisters start a childish game – and the Spiritualist movement in America is born.

Mediums emerge all over America and Europe. The quest begins for Summerland, the longing for ghosts.

But two men also play their part in this drama. In Atlantic City, on June 18th 1922, they are wanted back at the hotel. Someone from "beyond" would like to speak with them...

An exploration of mediums, fakery, magic, hysteria, shadows, cabinets, and an extraordinary friendship.

A work devised by Louise Radinger and puppeteer Angeliki Polatou, based on a true story.

Hit Gelamp presented a scratch performance of this piece at the HATCH festival, Little Angel Theatre in September 2011. Further development of this show is currently on hold.